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Single-Cell Electrophysiology and 2-Photon Imaging in Awake Mice with 2D-Locomotion Tracking
BNA trailer 2019
Hippocampal Neural Circuits in Awake Head-Fixed Mice Navigating a Real-World Environment
Neurotar's magnetic locomotion tracking solution for awake head-fixed mice
ACoM2021 Dr Christian Wilms, Scientifica: A system for cell-specific two-photon optogenetics.
Looking into Mice Brain Cells Population Using Lasers
Two photon calcium imaging of mouse auditory cortex 2
Invigilo assembly
Making Optical and Electrophysiological Measurements in the Brain of Head-Fixed, Freely-Moving Mice
Mobile HomeCage Large with tracking (in the Invigilo set-up)
Neurescence Quartet® - Social Interaction - Simultaneous Calcium Imaging in freely behaving mice
How we solve compatibility issues